Beginning as a one-woman company, The Line By K originated when fashion blogger-turned-designer, Karla Deras, felt the need to share her personal designs with other women. Since its launch in spring of 2015, The Line By K has been a voice of self-love by providing high-quality pieces for any occasion without sacrificing the comfort to accomplish any task.
The goal is to create a collection of pieces that compliment your favourite things in your wardrobe: Basics that aren’t basic. Although each design is created to be easy, elegant, and effortlessly sexy, it is more of a feeling we are trying to evoke when you wear our clothes. We believe clothing has the power to alter the way you carry yourself, and we create with the intention that each piece can give you the confidence to take risks and do anything without seeking people’s approval.
Ethically made in Los Angeles, The Line By K offers elevated basics, crafted from premium textiles with distinctive details, made to accentuate the female figure.
Ultimately, we want any woman who wears our collection to feel unapologetically strong and sexy.